Our story
​Welcome to Decatur House of Prayer!
Decatur House of Prayer is a non-denominational, not-for-profit 501( c )3 charitable organization. We are your local house of prayer. DHOP is a city-wide prayer and worship ministry led by Christians across generations and church denominations. We believe in ministering to the Lord in worship and partnering with Him in prayer to see His Kingdom come here in Decatur. We exist to provide a corporate altar to the Lord and to prepare the Bride. So we focus on ministering to the Lord and our community through prayer and worship in the prayer room.
The prayer room consists of live worship and prayer gatherings, which vary in framework and expression. All are welcome to join us lifting the name of Jesus. Come and go freely or stay as long as you like. While in the prayer room, feel free to join in with the corporate worship and prayer, read your Bible, study a favorite commentary, write in your journal, or engage in private prayer. You may sit, stand, or pace up and down the aisles. Whatever you do, we ask that you do it in a manner that honors and serves the other people in the room. Prayer changes everything. Together we can transform our city while God transforms our hearts in the tender atmosphere of worship.
At DHOP all are welcome. We are an extension and resource for the church and all believers. We provide a local place for our community to encounter the Lord, connect with others in unity, and make an impact in our city. Come connect in worship and prayer, no matter your denomination or background. Let DHOP be your prayer and worship resource during the week to sharpen your relationship with the Lord. Through our worship and prayer ministries, creative, healing, and freedom ministries, we aim to equip you so you may experience the fullness of God in your life!! At DHOP we believe each person should have the ability to come before the Lord and experience His fullness.
If you have any questions while visiting, please do not hesitate to ask an attendant or contact us!
God called a group of people to the International House of Prayer in 2005.
We fell in love with the Harp and Bowl model of worship and prayer. During the next five years we gathered together with children and adults at Lampstand Presbyterian Church, in Decatur, IL., on Wednesday nights. During those nights, many children and adults had powerful encounters with God. We sang and played instruments, we prayed for healing and miracles to abound during a one-hour prayer and worship set.
In January 2010, God called us to begin gathering other times during the week, calling adults to night and day prayer in Decatur, IL. In addition to the Wednesday’s night prayer meetings with the children, we had prayer meetings, Tuesday evenings and Fridays’ at noon.
In May of 2012, we became a 501 (c) 3 registered not-for-profit organization. We then moved
to the Guiding Light Healing Rooms on North 51. In July 2017 we relocated to our “present” house at 1920 N. Oakland Ave., Decatur, IL.
In January 2020, we started our tenth year at Decatur House of Prayer.
For over ten years, we have been contending for night and day prayer in the city and region.
We are blessed to have had many, many people engaged in night and day prayer throughout our years. Some for a season, many for the long haul!
We are encouraging anyone with a love of Jesus and a heart for this city and region to consider joining us. We know God has called us to minister to Him and cry out to Him to release His power and anointing for night and day prayer.
We will not stop because He is WORTHY, and His grace is sufficient for us.
Please COME and join the story. Find YOUR place!