The Prayer Room
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
PRayer Room Schedule
Monday | 5pm - 7pm
Tuesday | 10am - 6pm
Wednesday | 10am - 2pm
TYPES of PRayer Room sets

In these sets, we pray for a general breakthrough of God's justice on the church, in a city, for specific needs in society or government, Israel, or whatever the Holy Spirit may emphasize. Prayers from the New Testament apostles, Biblical promises, and prophetic decrees are often used in these sets. Rapid-fire prayer is a time when the prayer leader opens the floor mic to the people in the room allowing all to participate in this vibrant corporate prayer meeting. You can see all the prayer focuses above.

Worship with the Word
In these sets, we focus on ministering to the Lord, through reading and then singing His Word. This type of set is designed as a discipleship program that provides training in the Word as we function as a 'singing seminary'. We seek to cultivate singing theologians. Teams focus on singing through large portions of Scripture, for example, an entire Psalm. Here they discover new passages/truths to sing many times in the future. This set is a good opportunity for individuals in the room to spend time reading the Bible.
Devotional Sets are great times to come and soak in the Presence of the Lord. These sets provide an anointed atmosphere for individuals to meditate upon Scripture in God's presence. Songs and music aim for the "Mary of Bethany" heart, encouraging the room to sit at the feet of Jesus. Often led by one singer and an instrument, this set is usually quiet and intimate.

The prayer room is open for individuals to pray silently, worship, read their Bibles, and study. Intercession and devotional sets from a live prayer room are streamed via the internet. We stream the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOPKC). You can find out more about them here: ihopkc.org

Our prayer format is based on the heavenly picture that we see in Revelation 5. We see continual prayer and worship happening day and night around the Throne. The twenty-four Elders and the four Living Creatures continually sing praises. Each one had a harp (the music) and a bowl (prayers), the intercessory prayers of the people. (Rev 5:8)
The terminology “Harp and Bowl” comes from Revelation 5:8. Harp and Bowl is a communication framework for combining worship and prayer together for the purpose of unity in prayer, reaching for the fullness of the Holy Spirit in our meetings, and sustaining longer enjoyable prayer. We structure each set to see the Body of Christ come together in corporate worship and agreement in prayer so that we can change the world and advance His kingdom.
Within the harp and bowl prayer model, we use these basic worship and prayer formats above.
Click the link to find out what to do in the prayer room.