The Spirit is calling
His people to work together to offer continual intercession in each city, flowing from prophetic worship (music) and intimacy with God (prayer), to fulfill the Great Commission—to win and disciple the lost, to revive the Church, and to impact society with the love, power, and wisdom of God.
The Holy Spirit is orchestrating a global prayer strategy in these days. It will far eclipse any other prayer movement in church history.
Click to read more about:
We are offering Jesus unceasing worship while contending for justice and for the power of the Holy Spirit to manifest and bring transformation in every area.
We combine worship and prayer in a symphony of enjoyable prayer.
We seek to re-discover the principle of antiphonal (responsive) singing David used in his tabernacle.
We sing and pray directly from the Bible, using Scripture.
Scripture teaches that night-and-day prayer is deeply connected to the fullness of God's power and purpose being released (Lk. 18:7–8; cf. Isa. 62:6–7).
The heavenly elders and the four living creatures
came to Jesus with two things—a harp and a bowl.
The worship around the throne incorporates prayer together with music and songs. One key to the “enjoyable prayer” about which Isaiah prophesied (Isa. 56:7) is to engage in prayer in the context of worship with prophetic music and singers. When the harp (worship music) comes together with the bowl (intercession),
prayer is enjoyable.
Click to read more about:
Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model
Benefits of Harp and Bowl​
Antiphonal Singing: Harp
What are the benefits of antiphonal singing?
It unites the hearts of the family of God.
He will release a blessing when we come to unity.
It allows for new understandings and revelations of God to come forth.
The antiphonal singing releases an anointed environment for the prophetic spirit to flow in the midst.
It results in intercession being enjoyable and easy.
It releases intensity and passion in the corporate prayer meeting.
Praying the Word: Bowl
What are the benefits of praying from the Word?
The focus is on God and not the work of the enemy, which releases the activity of the Spirit to move in mighty ways.
All believers are in agreement with the prayers of Scripture and therefore with the Spirit of God. (This releases the "commanded blessing" Ps 133)
The prayers refresh and bring strength to those who intercede.
We stand on promises from God, given for us to pray for the cities because He intends to do them.
Allows for a deeper interaction with the Scriptures (as the Holy Spirit disciples us)!